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Ch. 4 Rise of the Greek Civilization

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Chapter 4: The Rise of Greek Civilization

Section 1-       


            Aegean civilization developed from sea routes

            To early people, the sea meant mystery and danger

                        Slowly became less frightening

                                    Became an important trading highway

                        Phoenicians were among the early traders who sailed on open waters

                        Map Test: Aegean Sea

                                           Hellespont (Dardanelles) and Bosporus

                        People of Aegean Sea also used sea routes

                                    Greek Peninsula (Balkan Peninsula) holds many deep harbors and covers about 400 miles

                                    Mountainous land of Greece lacks sufficient farmland, so the trading was necessary

            Crete developed a flourishing culture

                        Crete- an island southeast of Greece in Mediterranean Sea

                                    “The Stepping Stone of the Mediterranean” or “Crossroads of the Mediterranean

                                    Was settled by 6000 BC

                                    First Neolithic’s from Asia

                                                3100 BC- Egyptians

                                    Became wealthy and powerful from 2000- 1400 BC

                                                Civilization called Minoan

                                                            For legendary King Minos

                        One of most famous Greek stories was of Minotaur

                                    Minotaur- flesh eating monster with bull head and human body

                                                Death of Minotaur meant destruction of Crete by Zeus- father of Minotaur

                                    King Minos with engineer Daedalus designed labyrinth to keep monster under palace

                                                Was slayed by Theseus, who went to maze with ball of string

                                                            A prince from Athens who loved Ariadne daughter of King Minos

                                                            Seven boys and seven girls from Athens were fed to monster every nine                                                                         months

                                                                        Tribute to make Athens suffer after Kings Son died in Athens

                        Immortal-live forever

                        Mortal- will die

                                    Hercules was son of Zeus, son of person

                                                King Midus’ wife had affair with Zeus

                                                            Zeus was in form of a bull- Minotaur


            Until 19th century, Minoan civilization was only known in legends

                        Sir Arthur Evans- 1894- British archaeologist excavated Crete

                                    Found Clay Tablets

                                    Bronze tools and weapons

                                    Ruins of royal palace at Knossos

                                                Contained a labyrinth

                                                Had an excellent plumbing system


            Exported olive oil, wine, pottery and metal-works

            Art shows a cheerful, pleasure-loving people who enjoyed sports and nature

                        Women had equal social status to men

                                    Chief deity was an earth goddess- owned universe

                                                Animal sacrifices, grain, priestesses


            Evans found wall paintings with bull dancing pictures

                        Sport- dangerous

                                    Bulls horns are low-animals can’t reason

                                                Still dangerous-like battering ram- ribs splinter

                                                            One person summersaults on bull, other grabs partner

            Mycenaean invaders spread Greek civilization to the mainland

                        About 1900 BC, people of Caspian Sea invaded the Greek Peninsula

                                    Newcomers called Mycenaeans

                                                Spoke form of early Greek

                                                Built fortified cities- like Mycenae

                                                            Peasants worked around cities for princes

                                                1450 BC- Captured Knossos

                                                Captured other Crete cities in next century

                                                            1400 BC- Mycenaeans were driven off by Minoans

                                                            1400-1200 BC- Mycenae became unifying force in Greece/ Aegean                                                                 islands

                                                                        People spoke same language    

                                                                        Worshiped same gods

                                                                                    Believed to live on Mt. Olympus

            Mythology- group of myths relating a particular country or person

                                 Explains how Greeks believed in questions answers

                                                Sun rising etc


            Mycenae and Troy became rival centers of Aegean civilization

                        Aegean civilization included parts of Asia Minor

                                    Troy was strategically placed on Hellespont

                                                Hellespont no called Dardanelles

                                    Straight (narrow channel) connecting Aegean and Black Seas

                                                Because of location, Troy controlled trade between these seas

                                                            After about 1300 BC, Mycenaean trade declined for reasons unknown

                                                            Mycenaean lords fought with one another

                                                                        This time of crisis is written in the Iliad and The Odyssey

                                                                                    Epic Poems by blind poet, Homer

                                                                                                Around 800 BC

                                                                        Iliad- tells of anger of a warrior Achilles , it’s tragic results and an                                                                                            episode of war in Troy and Mycenaeans

                                                                        The Odyssey tells adventures of a solider Odysseus, on his ten year                                                                                         journey home after end of Trojan War

                                                                        30-19 BC- Roman Poet Vergile epic poem Aeneid based on Greek                                                                                                sources tell how Mycenaean invaders built a wooden                                                                                                     horse, Troy thought it was a gift from the gods, and the                                                                                                  Mycenaeans were inside and attacked


Movie Note: Theseus’ father died from suicide- jumped into sea when his son left


Section 2-The Greeks expanded to control the Eastern Mediterranean


            Mycenaean civilization was always threatened by outside forces

                        1200 BC- Dorians invaded from north

                                    Survivors fled to Athens

                                    Some went to Ionia and Agean Sea islands

                                                Ionia- coastline of Asia Minor

                        Dorians settled in Southwest Greece

                                    Era called “Dark Ages of Greek History”

                                                Little is known about this era

                        Dorians and remaining Mycenaeans intermarried

                                    People cooperated for protection, trade and religion

                                    Writing, learned from Minoans then lost, was revived in form from Phoenicians

                                    Changing Government

                                    Greek became universal language by 700 BC in Aegean area


            All city-states came to festivals for worship and games

                        776 BC- Olympics- to honor Zeus

                                    Began as single day of racing and wrestling

                                                By 7th century BC, chariot and single horse racing were also added

                                    Winners got olive leaf crown and were escorted home with great ceremony


            Greeks called themselves Hellenes

                        Believed their common ancestor was Helen (god)

            Great era of expansion following Dark Ages is called Hellenic

                        Lasted from 750-338 BC


            Independent city-states were formed on Greek Peninsula

                        Early Society was simple

                                    People were in clans with one king, or tribal chief and founded a settlement called a                                           polis-area around was for farming and grazing

                        Geographic isolation- led to many small city-states

                                    City-states never cooperated unless invaders threatened their safety

                        City-states developed democracy


            Democracy- government that is run by the people who live under it, either in direct or indirect fashion

            Three types of Government

1.      monarchy- dictator, pharaoh, rule by one person, despot, tyrant etc

2.      Oligarchy- representative democracy- a small group of people rule

3.      Anarchy- no ruler/ government

            Only male land-owners born in certain city-states could become full citizens

            Democratic government evolved gradually in the Greek city-states

                        First step was oligarchy

                                                Oligarchy- government that is run by a few people

                                                            Nobles wrote down laws

                                                                        Placed for all to see

                                    By 700’s BC, nobles became corrupt

                                                Took land from farmland

                                                            Gave farmers more money than they could pay back in the spring- so                                                                farmers had to sell their land and work on it as a slave

                                                                        Mortgage- borrowing money against a paid portion of an unpaid                                                                                    loan

                                                Farmland is poor here- mountainous

                                                If nobles have all the land- they can control prices

                                                Increased wealth in farming, forcing farmers to mortgage land, or sell themselves                                                            into slavery

                                    Making of pottery, textiles and bronze weapons and tools flourished

                        Greeks needed more food/markets so they set up colonies

                                    Each colony was similar to parent city-state

                                                Less isolation

                                    Colonies found on Aegean/ Black Sea coasts, Iberian Peninsula and North Africa

                        The power of nobility was challenged by Tyrants

                                    Colony establishment didn’t end discontent in Greece

                                                Three trends ended the rule of nobility

1.      Heavily Armed infantry of citizens

2.      Development of money (people could rise socially)

3.      New Group- business class of merchants, artisans and ship-owners


                        Revolutions occurred from 650-500 BC

                                    Tyrants often took over

                                                Not always bad rulers

            Democratic Government developed in Athens

                        Athens- city in Southeast Greece on coastal plain of Attica, hugging Acropolis (hill where many                                        forts and temples were built)

                        From 700’s-500’s BC, was ruled by nobles

                                    Chief Magistrate- most powerful

                                                                  Upheld the laws

                                                Was elected annually by the nobles

                                                            Some citizens became unhappy with their social status

                        Beginnings of Internal Reform

                                    In 594 BC, nobles elected Solon, who had understanding of farmers and strong sense of                                                justice

                                                Nobles knew if they didn’t they would be overthrown

                                    Cancelled farmer’s debts and outlawed debt slavery, but refused to let land be                                                   redistributed

                                    Enlarged council to include rich property owners

                                                Council like Congress- representatives

                                                            Athenian congress called “The Council of Nobles”

                                                            Leader of nobles was chief magistrate

                                                Drew up 400 new laws

                                    Offered citizenship to craft workers not born in Athens if they/ their families settled there

                                    Encouraged Trade

                        Shepard’s still unhappy they didn’t own land

                                    Elected Pisistratus

                                                Relative of Solon

                                                Ruled as tyrant for over 30 years

                                                            Solved economic problems banished many nobles, and redistributed land

                                                            Encouraged trade and development of the arts

                                    Next important Tyrant was Cleisthenes

                                                Ostracism began

                                                            Ostracism- once a year all 6000 people in Athens got to vote to                                                                                    temporarily banish any citizen or official viewed as dangerous to Athenian                                                          State

                                                                        Johnsens’s not an elected official- can’t have a recall

                                                                        Superintendent can’t be- board members can

                                                                        Only some states have recall less than half

                                                                                    Don’t recall national issues

                                                            Dickinson Midget Mascot

                                                            City- Hall building

                                                Increased council to 500

                        500 BC, democratic governments were forming in many city-states


            The contributions of Athens to civilization

                        Made many contributions to western culture from 400-500 BC

                                    Statesman Pericles spoke of them in a speech in 431 BC

1.      Citizens are equal before the law

2.      Public service was honorable and necessary

3.      Citizens free to live speak and go and come openly

4.      awareness of Beauty enhanced Greek life

5.      Public debates held before states took action


            Sparta became a warrior State

                        Peninsula Sparta is on is called Peloponnesus

                        Ancestors subdued natives, they called Helots

                                    Helots allowed to grow food on land, but not become citizens

                        Sparta began to grow in 700’s BC, after conquering Messenia

                        600 BC set up constitution to maintain military strength of the state

                                    Assembly of citizens had little power

                                    Most of power was held by Council of Elders

                        Sparta was much like a military camp

                                    Spartan means sternly disciplined

                                    Only healthy babies were allowed to live

                                    At age seven, entered a “pack” governed by teenage youths

                                                Keeps away from parents- less protection

                                                Physical training, and simple diet

                                                            Encouraged to steal, but beaten if caught

                                                Each Pack was beaten annually to test physical endurance

                                    At age 20, became field-soldiers, allowed to marry, but lived in the Barracks

                                    At age 30, admitted to assembly, given head of government posts

                                    At age 60, dismissed from army, and allowed to live with their families

                        Girls trained to be strong, healthy mothers of warriors

                                    Didn’t go to school

                                                Informal education at home

                                    Given vigorous training in running, wrestling, and javelin throwing

                        Infantry- Foot soldiers

                        Cavalry- riders on horseback

                                    Calvary- hill where Christ was crucified

            Helots looked on as state property, little better than slaves

                        Once a year, you could kill Helots legally to get rid of troublemakers

            Shields were used to carry dead back after battle

                        “Come back with your shield or on it”


            400’s BC, made Peloponnesian League- military alliance with nearby Greek City-states

                        Sparta is paid to protect more


Section 3- Defeat of Persians led to Athen’s recognized Leadership


            Greeks extended to Black Sea and west to Spain

            Persians became most dangerous enemy

                        Defeat of Persians ensured the leadership to Athens

                                    Hostilities developed along east coast of Aegean Sea

                                                Greek colonists’ descendents lived here since 700’s BC

                                    Greeks revolted after put under Persian rule

                                                Set up own government and appealed to Athens for help

                        Athens helped, but were defeated, so Athenians built  a Navy

                                    Persia wanted Greek land and to punish Athens for helping Ionians

            Battles at Marathon and Salamis

                        Darius I, king of Persia, knew Ionia was vulnerable as long as Athens persuaded allies to revolt

                                    490 BC- went to defeat Athenians

                                                20000 men to Bay of Marathon

                        Athens and Sparta already agreed to Alliance against Persia- were ready

                                    Athens sent a runner to Sparta, but wouldn’t come until next full moon- superstitious

                        Athenians battled 2-1 and still were victorious

                                    Superior weapons and strategy

                        Greek Legend says Pheidippides ran about twenty-six miles to Athens from battlefield to report                                     victory

                                    Died from exhaustion after yelling “Rejoice! We conquer”

                        When modern Olympics revived in 1896, a marathon run was held to commemorate the act

            Battle of Marathon destroyed nation of Persians strength- gave Greeks confidence

            Ten years later, Xerxes, son of Darius attacked Greece

                        Sparta leads defense

                                    Set up at narrow pass of Thermopylawe

                                                Were defeated

                        Next Xerxes easily burned Athens/ Acropolis

                                    Athens still had effective navy

                                                Defeated Persians

            Golden Age of Pericles

                        After Persian defeat Athens took the lead in forming defensive alliance called the Delian League

                        Each member state was assessed ships or money

                                    Amount dependent on wealth

                        Athens dominated the league- power, wealth, trade, prestige, supremacy

            Pericles- Athenian statesman and military commander

                        Athens reached highpoint of its democracy

                                    From 460-429 BC

                        Parthenon- a temple to Athena was built and art/literature flourished

            Real power of Government was in the assembly

                        All male citizens over 18 years old were members

                                    Passed laws, decided issues, elected officials

                                    Pericles was president of board of generals

                        The Council of 500

                                    Drew up laws to pass

                                    Divided into committees

                                    Got Paid

            Athenian Democracy was based on the Principal that all citizens were equal

                        Nearly every citizen could hold office

                        Direct participation of citizens is a direct democracy

            Most people couldn’t become citizens

                        Athenians bought slaves or captured as POW’s

                                    House slaves treated well

                                    Silver-mine slaves harshly treated- chained