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Ch. 2 The First Civilizations 3500- 1600 BC

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Chapter 2: The First Civilizations


3500- 1600 BC



Section 1- The oldest civilization began in Mesopotamia


            Mesopotamia means “land between 2 rivers


                        Eastern portion of Fertile Crescent


            Fertile Crescent- well watered region extended as an arc from Mediterranean sea to the Persian Gulf


                        Rivers drop dirt at the delta


                        Faster river moves, more dirt collected and deposited


            Rivers start on mountains (source) and end at the delta


            Sumerians built city-states in south Mesopotamia


                        3500 BC, moved to southern part of fertile plain of Shinar- Between Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (Present Day Iraq)


                        Probably Migrated from Southeast, since their language is unrelated to   Northeastern Mesopotamians


                        Were farmers and city builders- cities built along river


                        Dug canals and ditches to irrigate and control river flooding


            City state- a small (country consisting of a) city and surrounding territories dependent on it.


                        Two or more city states make up a nation


                        Each city state had its own gods

                                    Temples were built to please them to keep rivers from flooding


                                                2000 BC- Ziggurat- a massive stepped tower monument- early pyramid


            Political Powers controlled by a king


                        Originally elected


                        Wars became so frequent that kingship became hereditary


            Caste System- ranking people from top to bottom


                        In US unwritten caste system is based on salary


                                    Upper, Middle and lower class


                        In Sumeria, system based on occupation


                        Priests, king, and other high ranking people called nobles


                                    Had much land


                                                Land worked by slaves (usually POW’s) or freemen called clients- probably had

                                                specialized labor


                                    Commoners- free citizens with lots of land, who participated politically with full                                                  protection under the law


                                    Belonged to Patriarchal Families


                        Patriarchal- male is leader


                        Matriarchal- female is leader- (spiders, bees, ants etc)


            The Sumerians made immense contributions to civilization


                        Highly creative


                                    Writing- 3000 BC or earlier


                                                May have began as marks to represent clay tokens- receipts used to show a                                                      payment made to worker (pg 24 picture) used around 9000 BC


                                    Cuneiform- means wedge shaped


                                                Each combination of marks stood for a syllable- the marks were made with a                                                     stylus on clay


                        Sumerians had little stone for building, but had lots of clay


                                    Used sun-dried bricks for homes/ temples


                                    Invented the arch- very strong


                                                            Not always round topped


                                    Invented Plow/ wheeled vehicles


                                    Skilled in mathematics


                                                360 degree circle


                                                24 hour day, 60 minute hour, and 60 second minute- all time is told in a circle


                                    Many Hymns and Odes to their gods


                                    Made basic legal system


                                                Later used by Babylonians and Israelites


            Other People took over and adapted Sumerian civilization


                        Mesopotamia had no natural invasion barriers


                                    Natural Barriers include Mountains, Seas and Deserts


                        Lasted 1000’s of years because invaders took on Sumerian civilization


                        Akkadians, Babylonians, Hittites, Israelites, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Persians all influenced by                              Sumerians


            2300 BC- Sumeria was united by Sargon I, invader from Akkad


                        1st empire

                                    Extended from east of Persia to Black and Mediterranean Seas


                                                His descendents ruled for 180 years


            Hammurabi, king of Babylonia, expanded Sumerian Legal Code


                        1700 BC- Hammurabi from Syria brought all of Southern Mesopotamia under his rule

                                    Capital was Babylon


                                    Empire was Called Babylonia


                                                Called Gate of the Gods


                        Extended Legal System with written code of laws


                                    Discovered in 1901 by French archaeologists digging in Susa


                                                Found 3 black stones, which made an eight foot column of writing


                        Hammurabi said his goal was “to cause justice to prevail in the land, to destroy the wicked and                          evil, to prevent the strong from oppressing the weak… and to further the welfare of the people”


                                    Doctors charged less to poor people for medicine and surgery


                                    Slavery limited to 4 years for debts


                        Agriculture resulted in Bumper crops


                                    Helped economy grow


                        Written Laws give people power


                                    Laws here based on your caste placement


            Rosetta stone helped decipher hieroglyphics


Section 2: an Egyptian Civilization arose along the Nile River


                        5000 BC Neolithic people along the Nile learned to farm barley and wheat and raise cattle

                                    Took 2000 years afterwards for civilization to arise


            Egyptian farmers began to develop a civilization


                        Farmers relied on September Nile Flooding for new soil and water for their fields


                                    During the other months, farmers dug irrigation ditches


                                                In order to keep ditches in repair, farmers made work teams


                                                Each team had a male leader who directed and made rules for the workers


                                                Later teams grew larger, and leader became more powerful


                                                            First local governments


                        Counted days between floods, and studied the sun, moon and stars to form the first annual calendar around                                                 4000 BC


                                    Counted days that Sirius appeared to figure 365 days per year


                                    Year was divided into 12 months of 30 days each with five feast days at the end of the year

                                                Year one on the calendar was our 4236 BC


                                    According to their calendar we are at year 6236


                        All happened between 5000 and 3100 BC


                                    Created writing and made copper tools


                                    Created Plow 400 years after Sumerians


            Egyptian History is divided into broad periods


                        Old Kingdom


                        Middle Kingdom


                        New Kingdom


                                    All ended in invasion or civil war


                                    Time before old Kingdom is called Pre-dynastic Egypt


            Pre- dynastic Egypt- local small villages


                                                Ruling class of nobles and princes


                                    Two kingdoms developed by 3100 BC


                                                One in Nile Delta called Lower Egypt


                                                One along the river called Upper Egypt


                                    Both united by King Menes from Upper Egypt


                                                First national Government


                        Dynasty- series of rulers belonging the same family

                                    30 ruled total in Egypt


                                                Last one ended in 332 BC


                                                            Became a part of Alexander the Greats Empire


                                    Egypt was a country for nearly 3000 years


                                                Longest national history


            The Old Kingdom (c. 2700 – c. 2200 BC)


                        Called the Pyramid Age


                        Begins at the start of the third dynasty


                        Six dynasties ruled in this era


                                    Pharaoh means “royal House”


                        Ships traded up river and into Mediterranean Sea


                                    Fine statues, linen, pottery, stone and copper tools


                        Protected by Deserts to the east and the west


                        Protected by Nile cataracts to the south (waterfalls)


                        Protected by the Mediterranean Sea to the north


                                    Most vulnerable to the Northeast through Asia


                        Great Pyramids built during this time as tombs for pharaohs


                                    Took thousands of peasants as laborers


                                    King Cheops tomb at Giza is the largest of all pyramids


                                                450 feet high


                                                750 foot base


                                                Took 20 years to make with 100,000 workers


            The Middle Kingdom (c. 2000 BC- c. 1800 BC)


                        Civil war in 2200 BC brought old Kingdom collapse


                                    Rival leaders fought for 200 years


                                                Princes from Thebes reunited Egypt and became new pharaohs


                                                            Encouraged art, literature, and new projects


                        Egypt conquered Nubia to the south


                        Expanded Trade with Palestine and Syria


                        Another Civil War occurred around 1800 BC


                                    In 1750 BC, were conquered by Asian nomadic invaders called Hyksos


                                                Burned Cities, destroyed temples , cruelty etc


                                    Hyksos ruled for 100 years


                                                During this time, Egyptians invented bow and arrow and the chariot


            The New Kingdom (c. 1600 BC- c. 1100 BC)


                        Leaders from Thebes drove out the Hyksos


                        Empire- government that rules over a group of countries


                                    New pharaohs attacked and extended Egypt into Southwest Asia up to the Euphrates River


                        From 1490- 1469, only female pharaoh ruled named Queen Hatshepsut


                                    Got the throne through a coup


                        Coup- unlawful seizure of government


                        Hatshepsut had lots of expanded trade and building programs


                        Next King, Thutmose III, had all her statues destroyed and her name erased from all records


                                    Egypt reached height of power in 1450 BC during time of King Thutmose III


                                                Prospered next 450 years after Hyksos were overthrown


                                    Became weakened in 1100 BC from quarrels among leaders, rebellions and costly battles

                                                Hundreds of years of Civil War followed


                                    The last dynasty, the thirteenth was overthrown by the Greeks in 332 BC


            Egyptian society was ruled by a god-king and divided into classes


                        Throughout most of history, the pharaoh had absolute power


                                    Most ruled justly


                                    People believed that the pharaohs were  descended from the gods


                        Theocracy- government where religious leaders rule as god’s representative


                                    In theory pharaoh owned everything


                                    Pharaohs appointed officials to assist him


                        Upper Class: priests, court nobility, landed nobility


                                    Had palatial homes, luxurious


                        Middle Class: became rich through trade


                                    Artisans, leather and cloth workers, builders, teachers, doctors, scribes etc


                        Lower Class: Slaves and Peasants


                                    Slaves were usually POW’s


                                                Worked on farms, roads, building projects


                                    Peasants had taxes, forced labor and few political rights


                                                Had small mud-brick homes


            Religion in Egypt was concerned with life after death and good conduct            


                        Reasoned that as plants decline in autumn, then reappear, so too must people have life after death


                        Mummy preserved the body- so the soul could live on


                        Good conduct was thought necessary for immortality

                                    The God Osiris was king of the dead, and decided if a soul got to live on or not


                        Book of the Dead- New Kingdom writings about the dead


                        Polytheism- worship of many gods and goddesses


                                    Amon-Re- the sun god


                                    Osiris- God of the under world and lord of the Afterlife


                                                Many others


                        Gods often pictured with human bodies and animal heads


                                    Also worshiped cows, monkeys, crocodiles and serpents


                        During rein of Akhenaton, a new faith temporarily


                                    1379- 1362 BC


                                                1 supreme god named Aton, the sun


                                                            Aton is last 4 letters in his name Akhenaton


                                                All other worship was outlawed


                                                            Took away governmental support to priests of other gods


                                    After death of Akhenaton, polytheism returned to Egypt after priests said their god’s wrath would come

                        Monotheism- belief and worship in one god


            Egyptians made major advances in literature, mathematics, and other fields


                        Before 3000 BC, Egyptians developed hieroglyphics


                                    Began as pictures of things, then ideas, then sounds


                        First alphabet by Phoenicians around 1000 BC may have gotten symbols from hieroglyphics


                        Papyrus- reed plant used for paper


                                    Early books about religion


                                    During Middle Kingdom some adventure stories came


                        Created addition, subtraction and division, but not multiplication


                        Areas of triangles, circles and other figures

                                    Used for temples and pyramid building


                        Religion inspired the tombs and temples


                                     Hall of the sun god Amon-Re temple at Karnake is eighty feet high and larger than a football field long

                                                Built around 1200’s BC


                        First people to support roofs with columns


                        Doctors- learned about herbs and anatomy


                                                From mummification


                                                Could heal broken bones, simple surgery etc


            Egyptians had sense of security and confidence



In class notes for Section 2:


            Had no standing army


            Plow and wheel came from Mesopotamia


            Developed days, months and years – counted days of appearing for star Sirius

                        It takes a year for Sirius to disappear then reappear


            Seasons depend on weather here in North Dakota

                        Based on moisture in Egypt


            Lunar = moon

             Solar= Sun


            Artisan- skilled craftsman


            Ziggurat- pyramid in Egypt


            Khufu (Cheops) had largest pyramid- one of the seven wonders of the ancient world

                        5 categories

                        Also have seven of the modern world and seven of the Middle Ages


            Sphinx- half lion, half pharaoh- watches over tombs


            Took 20 years and 100,000 people to make Cheops tomb


            Pyramids made of limestone- gets harder as it gets older


            Lower half of the Luxer casino has duplicate of Carter’s tomb


            Valley of the Kings: place where people were buried when they didn’t have time to build a temple


                        Carter found the tomb of Tutankhamen in early 1920’s


                        Found in same condition as when made because dirt covered the entrance


            Egyptians believed dead would come back in the same body


                        Moisture causes decomposition


                                    Take out blood


                                                Use sand to absorb liquid out of body


                        Take out organs

                                    Put in canopic jars


                        Permeldahide (alcohol) preserved body organs


                                    Alcohol comes from rotting grains


                        Silage is alcohol- keeps animals warm with extra fat


                        Take out the brain- not liquid or solid


                                    Comes out the ears when alcohol is added to make more liquid


                                                Thought brain to be useless so didn’t save it


                        Wrap in Linen


                        Shroud- burial mask- anything that covers the dead body


                         Pharaohs were first to wear make- up


                        Desert helped keep bodies dry and preserved


            Add water to harden sand- easier to pull blocks of stone to build pyramids


            Carry stone blocks up ramps of hardened sand


            Theo- religion


                        Absolute Power- dictator who has all power


                        Divine Rights- Power due to the gods


            Dirt particles in River called Silt


            Middle of the river is the fastest


            Delta’s fan out because silt deposits and water moves around the silt


            The Nile flows north


            Tributary- River that flows into another


                        Blue Nile River


                        White Nile River


            Longest River System in world is Missouri- Mississippi


            Ptolomey- last Egyptian Dynasty


                        Cleopatra- last ruler of Egypt- 2nd female ruler


            If all Johnson’s were dead in a dynasty, then civil war breaks out


                        No females were made pharaoh except by coup


            Coup- military overthrow


            Regent- someone wo rules until pharaoh is old enough to rule by himself


            Queen H. was a regent


            Golden Age: time of Thutmose III- the height of a nation


                        All nations get lower after Golden Age


            King Tutankhamen’s father was Akhwatan (creator of Aton worship)


                        Priests didn’t want monotheism


                        May have killed Tutankhamen


            Scribe: can read and write hieroglyphics

                        Usually write on papyrus- reed plant paper


            Reed: hollow stick


            Hieroglyphics mean picture writing


             Two Invaders of Egypt were Hyksos and Hittites

                        Both from the Northeast


            Map Test- Sinai Peninsula


            Copper- main Egyptian metal Tin was not yet discovered


            Cairo- capital of modern Egypt


            Two Ancient capitals


                        Upper EgyptThebes


                        Lower Egypt- Memphis


            Alexandria- only Egyptian seaport- on Nile Delta


            Spoils- goods a winner takes after a fight


            Tribute- a continued forced payment made after a fight


            Most valuable thing tomb robbers wanted were spices and perfumes


            Egypt was ruled by British at one point


                        British government ground up mummies for fertilizer





Section 3- an ancient city revealed the Early Indus Valley Civilization


            4500 Years ago people living in Indus Valley (modern Pakistan and western India) had highly organized way of life


            Little was known about them until recently


            Archaeologists discovered a lost civilization

                        1850’s engineers building a railroad from Indus Valley near Harappa found baked bricks they used to set railroad                                     bed

                        Also found ornaments and small figures they took as mementos by local villagers


                                    1920’s, British government and archaeologists found it was an ancient city


                                                Found gold jewelry, sculptures, copper and bronze tools


                                    Believed to have existed from 2500- 1500 BC


                        Area is about 1000 miles inland from Arabian Sea to the Himalaya Mountains


            Life in Mohenjo Daro was highly organized


                        Mohenjo Daro- city in southern Pakistan, 400 miles southwest of Harappa


                                    City was divided into manufacturing, business, and residential rectangles (blocks)


                                                Streets paved with bricks and lined with shops


                        Windows of homes faced interior courtyards, not the street


                        A staircase led to the roof


                        Most had toilets, some had baths


                                    Brick Lined sewers carried away sewage and rainwater


                                                As good as any other system until the mid 19th century


                        In center of city was a mud brick citadel (fort) that protected the city from floods


                                    Inside were public granaries, baths, for public use etc.


            Life for Upper Class was very luxurious


                        Wood furniature with crafted bone, shell or ivory inlays


                        Tiled bathtubs


                        Bronze and copper tools and gold and silver jewelry


                        Were first to weave cotton into cloth


                        Found many toys


                                    Birds, clay bulls, marbles, balls, rattle


            Stamp Seals with 400 different symbols


                        May be writing but not deciphered


                        Had rings on the back


                        May have been pressed into clay or wax to show ownership


            People of Mohenjo Daro had elaborate religion


                        Many female statues found


                                    Indicates goddess worship


                        Sculptures and seals suggest incense and candle burning to goddess and animals were in religion


                        The public bath also had luxurious living quarters- may have been for priests who performed ritual baths


            Economy of Indus civilization depended on Farming and Trade


                        Many standardized weights were found made of quartz


                        Round platforms for organized labor- grain grinding


                        Strong Central Government


                        Traded by river between Harappa and Mohenjo Daro


                                    Also by ox and camel drawn carts


                        Also traded by Sea routes


                                    With Babylonians Sumerians and others


                        Two Major Seaport cities- M. D. is 30 Miles from Sea today


                                    From moving tectonic plates


            History is silent about the end of the Indus Valley Civilization


                        Mohenjo Daro may have been covered by mud from a nearby lake from shifting Earth


                                    Some buildings are built up on one another


                        1500 BC- misfortune occurred may have been a massacre


                                    Skeletons found in groups with axe/ sword cuts


                                                Mohenjo Daro means “place of the dead”


In Class Notes for Section 3:


            Female goddesses wore girdles


            Women wore it during the time around waist- 3000 years ago


            Written language of Indus River is called Sanskrit


                        A dead language


            Translucent- light can pass through but you can’t see through it


            Dumped wastewater into the river


            The Book of the Dead was a scroll not a book


            Himalayas- source of water for Indus River


            We know less about Harappa than Mohenjo Daro


            The Indus River flooded frequently


            Homes built on one another- worse homes as you go up


            Mudslide is better theory- people were grouped together







Section 4- Chinese Civilization developed along the Huang River


            Chinese have many myths and legends


                        1st man- Ban Ku used hammer and chisel to make the universe


                        It took him 18,000 years


                        He finished 2,229,000 years ago


                        Early Princes were called Xia- 2200- 1700 BC


                                    Yu- first prince fought a river to stop a flood


                        Very unreliable for historical accuracy


            Geography influenced early Chinese Civilization


                        cold, dry to the north, vast and treeless plains of loess from central Asia in the Ice Age


            Loess- fine rich soil


            Huang in Chinese means Yellow


                        Silt is higher than rest of land near delta


            River called “China’s Sorrow” from the floods


            Very good farming as early as 5000 BC


                        Millet- cereal grass currently eaten by 1/3 of all people- first raised by 4500 BC


                        Soybeans 1000 years later- only pure protein crop


                        Also raised pigs


                        By 3500 BC raised silkworms for cloth


                        2000 BC, rice grown near Change River


                                    Paddies Artificial pools for growing rice


                        Lived in villages near fields


                                    Walls of pounded earth protected them


                        Homes were walled comes on circular areas dug out of ground- roof supported by six tree trunk posts

                                    Doors were openings in the roof


            Shang Kings were religious leaders (17000- 1027 BC)


                        Written Chinese history starts at 1700 BC with rise of Shang dynasty


                        Shang is capital north of Huang River near Anyang


                        King controlled only small area around capital


                                    Nobles owned the rest


                                    Nobles still recognized king as head of army’s and was high priest by command of heaven


            Digs at Anyang began in 1928


                        No palaces or monuments were found


                                    All buildings were made of wood – no stone- all rotting over time


            Writing, bronze making, and other skills advanced during the Shang Period


                        Priests wrote on bones and tortoise shells, the heated them and read cracks to answer written                            question as answers from gods or ancestors


                        Writing had over 2000 symbols


                                    On tablets of wood or bamboo


                        Bronze vessels decorated with scrolls, spirals, dragons, imaginary creatures


                                    Also made ivory jade marble chariots daggers and axes


                        Conquered in 1027 BC by nomads from the Northwest


In class notes from section 4 and for end of chapter notes


            `Rivers – Chang or Yanze


                        Yellow River or Huang River or China’s Sorrow


                        Yellow River is farther north


                        Himalayas is source of both rivers


                        Lots of sagebrush- usually semi arid desert


                                    Area southwestern North Dakota and western China


            Huang runs through Gobi Desert


            Silt comes from the desert winds


                        Loess is silt in the air of desert


            Little Missouri is yellow like Huang River


            Theocracy government- ruled by divine rights


            Atonal languages used


            Wood and bamboo tablets rotted


                        Book of Odes- oldest book we have from Chinese civilization


            South of Mandan- earth lodges are similar homes


                        Native Americans got customs from Chinese across Beiring Strait- while chasing caribou


            Main metal was bronze


            Considered Neolithic when moved to Huang River


                        Jade: semi- precious jewel dark blue- green


                        Scarcity determines value


                        Used for sculpting


            Futilism- kings give nobles land in return for troops


            Feed silkworms mulberry to produce silk cocoons


                        Raise temperature to kill the worm in cocoon


                                    Use loom and spinning wheel


                        Worms are good fertilizer


                        Pig Food


            Rice Grows underwater by sprouted seed


                        Need to plant each plant individually


            Monsoon- seasonal rains in Asia and Africa


            Soybeans are cheaper than beef


                        Wendy’s costs less than Hardees burgers


            Raise soybeans in North Dakota in Red River Valley


            90% of US Millet is birdseed


                        Not as popular as wheat because it’s cheaper so farmers don’t grow it


            Grows in dry areas


            Chinese used pigs because they eat garbage


            Pork is pig meat sheep is mutton and cow is beef


            Pigs can have worms etc


                        Cook thoroughly


            Bacon comes from ribs


                        Good meat on backbones is porkchops


            Ham is on back legs


            Side Pork farther to the front than bacon


            Roast- large piece of meat from front shoulder


                        Very tough need to cook slowly to get tender


            Eat heart and liver


                        Heart as stew meat


            Split hoofed- toes underneath


                        Boil it


            Head cheese – boil it- brains go up and meat goes down


            Pigs are very fat


                        Heat to make lard