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Chapter 1: Early Humans Prehistory- 3000 BC

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Chapter 1: Early Humans- Prehistory

3000 BC


Section 1-

                        Cave at Altamira had paintings thought to be by primitive people- at first skeptical, now                                                 thought to be 15,000 years old


                                    Paleontologist- studies fossils


                                    Anthropologist- studies physical remains of prehistoric people to tell how they lived (two                                    types: physical and cultural)


                                    Geologist- studies layers of soil and the earth


                                    Archaeologist- excavates and studies artifacts from ancient sites forming theories about                                      how they lived


                                                Anthropologists and Archaeologists work with chemists, botanists, physicists and                                                           Geologists


                                    Rapid City is closest college for Anthropologists and Archaeologists


                        Most Geologists believe the earth is about five billion years old


                        Theory- educated guess


                                    Theories say that planets were thick gas that formed into molten rock- heavy stuff went to                                  core and lighter stuff made up atmosphere


                        Theories also say life began in oceans four billion years ago

                                    As single celled/ water dwelling


                        Single Celled > Sponge > Jellyfish > Snail, fish, crab > Frog > reptiles > Birds > Mammals


                        Skeletons give clues to appearance of early humans

                                    Homo- sapiens- human being


                                    Hominids- Humans and pre-humans- means two legged primates


                                    Australopithecines- means southern apes


                                                Lucy- discovered in Afar, Ethiopia


                                                Four million years ago


                                                Three and a half feet tall

                                    Homo-Erectus- (caveman) over five feet tall


                                                            Made first tools and controlled fire


                                                            Brain size of 1000 cubic meters


                                    Neanderthal- Died out forty thousand years ago


                                                            Barrel chest, low browed, slightly larger brain than modern humans

            Hydrogen burns – stars


                        Earth started as molten


                                    Hydrogen is a heavy gas and goes to center


                                                Iron and nickel make up center of the earth


                        Cyntrical force- spinning force putting hydrogen in the center


                                    Hydrogen and oxygen combined to water taking out fire


                                                Core of earth is still “on Fire”


                                                            More oxygen= hotter fire


                                                If fire could go out, earth would freeze


                                                            In North Dakota, the ground freezes only three feet below ground


                                                                        Rest heated by core


                        Five Billion years ago- earth formed from gas > Four Billion years ago- first life in oceans >                               Four Million years ago- hominids > Two million years ago- Homo erectus > 100,000 years                               ago- Homo sapiens


            75% of Earth is water


            80% of people are water


            Amoeba is single celled organism (microscopic) living in water- similar to first life


            Some changes are good, some not


            Multi celled organisms then came- sponges, algae etc


                        Then Amphibians- Frogs, Newts, etc


                                    Then Reptiles, Birds, and last Mammals


                        All this is a theory, not proven fact


            Most consider humans outside of animal kingdom


                        Animals can’t reason


                                    Stimulus Response- you get something for doing something


                                    Rope memorization


                        Man came from primates- bipedal with thumbs


                                    All primates are social beings


                                    Chimps are smartest of all apes


            Lots of apes > some hominids > fewer sapiens > three human races


            Homo- erectus- cave man


            Primate > Hominids- Lucy > Homo erectus- Altimera, Spain > Homo sapiens


                        Lucy- Four million years old


                        Horse- had three toes and was one foot tall


Section 2- People developed basic skills in Old Stone Age


            Stone Age was from Two million- 3000 BC


                        Writing was first invented around 3000 BC


                        Paleolithic- Two million- 8000 BC


                        Mesolithic- 8000- 6000 BC


                        Neolithic- 6000-3000 BC


            Homo erectus made tools and cooked with fire


                        May have saw trees burning and used sticks to scare away animals


                        Believed to be the first to cook food


            Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon people adapted to the Ice Age


                        Ice Age- anthropologists study ancient man during this period- culture


                                       The era between about one and a half million BC and 8000 BC


                                    Glaciations- polar ice caps extend over continents


                                                Terminal Moraine- Debris left by glaciers


                                                Ice glaciers fractured and moved because of syntrifical force


                                                            Look in ND for Terminal Moraine- Turtle Mountains and Killdeer        



            Valley glaciers or continental glacier


                        May be up to two miles thick


                        Moved inches per year


                        Each of four glaciations lasted 40000- 60000 years- they’ve moved back and forth


                                    Proof of four glaciers- four layers of coal in North Dakota about 8 feet deep


                                                Coal- dead plant life compact below surface


                                                Oil- dead marine animals compact below surface


                                                Natural Gas- dead animals deteriorate and gas forms- comes out first


                        Warm periods (interglacial periods) lasted about 40000 years in between- great lakes, Ohio and                                    Missouri Rivers carved


                                    Place where two rivers come together- confluent


                                    Water goes north of Gulf of Mexico to the Plains


                                                Surface of Earth was at tops of modern butts- dirt moved from glacier/ water-                                                   Badlands by Missouri River


                                    50000 years ago glaciers stopped moving


                                    20000 years ago, they began melting


                        During Ice Age many died of exposure or starvation- others adapted


                                    Neanderthal may have been first to make knives and spears- found food and weapons in

                                    Grave with body


                                                May have been first to develop religion


            Hunter- Gatherers- People who live entirely by hunting and gathering roots, berries, fruit and nuts


                                    Hand axe was first weapon


            Cro-Magnon people developed fine tools, fitted clothing, art, music, and trade


                        Cro-Magnon people increased numbers 30000 years ago


                        Made harpoons of reindeer horns and bones


                        Made spears of flint


                        Painted, molded clay, carved figures


                                    30000 year old bone flute in France


                                                May have been first musicians


                        Large Trade Routes


                                    Beads, shells, jewelry etc.


            Homo sapiens began migrating globally 50000 years ago



Section 3- People made great advances in the Middle Stone Age and the New Stone Age


            During end of Old Stone Age, glacial ice receded to the north


            Middle Stone Age began in 8000 BC


                        Mesolithic people invented pottery and fishing equipment and tamed wild dogs- black/ brown                            and small


                        More People > more ideas > more learning


                                    Pottery made of sun-dried clay


                                                7000 BC- oven fired pottery stored water


                                    Also made boats, hooks and nets


                                    Tamed jackals for hunting and guarding property


                                                All dogs came from jackals


                                    Chipped rocks for tools


                                    Invented Bow and Arrow and spearheads


                        No hominids have been found in North America- people came from Bering Strait


            Neolithic people invented agriculture and improved their living conditions


                                    In Middle East- New Stone Age began about 9000 BC


                                                Not in Europe until 3000 BC


                                    Farming and herding began in Neolithic period


                                    Agriculture- the deliberate cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock


                                                First crops were wheat and barley


                                    Nomads- people who travel from pasture to pasture


                                                Settled agricultural communities with reliable supplies and used specialized labor


                        Specialization of Labor- dividing up work so people most skilled in a particular task perform     

                                                                only that task while others specialize in other jobs


                                    Weaving and other improvements


                                                New stone age around 5000 BC


                                                Linen is made from Flax, a blue flowered plant who’s stalk fibers are spun into

                                                            thread and woven into cloth- wears away slowly


                                                            Bed sheets, tablecloths, napkins, horse collars etc


                                                Fleece from sheep into woolen cloth


                                                            Felt- press and roll heat animal hair into blankets


                        Dry Grass is hay > brown

                        Straw- good insulator > is hollow- cold air can’t penetrate hollow- double paned windows


                                    Many other advancements


                                                Stone farming tools


                                                Milling stones


                                                Cups, Bowls and plates


                                    Loom turns thread into cloth


            Neolithic People developed more complex governments and religions


                        Government formed army to protect settlements from intruders


                                    People are social animals


                                                Worst for of punishment is banishment- solitary confinement, suspension etc


                                    Usual punishments for small crime was social humiliation


                                                Drastic punishments were execution and banishment


                                    Punishment- to correct people’s mistakes


                        People turned to certain people skilled in prayer, who formed priesthood


            Neolithic Revolution- the many changes over these few thousand years


                                                Agriculture was greatest advancement by man


            All the dinosaurs are dead, why?


                        Ice Age- animals don’t reason to go south


                        Meteorite- dust came and changed climate- blocked sun


                                    Homo-erectus- wore clothes for warmth


                                                Paleolithic Age


                                                            Cro-Magnon wrote pictures


                                                                        Keep good things/ throw bad things- religion has grown


            Map Test: Two land bridges disappeared- Beiring Strait and unnamed strait in Indian Ocean


                        Straight- two land masses separated by narrow water body


            Granite rocks are at surface of Northern North America


                        All rocks have dull edges because glacier left them


                        Animal in ND older than anything since Old Stone Age






                        Fish Bones for needles- sharp and small


                        Flute (pipe) first instrument


Movie Notes:


            -How did Lucy get her name? From “Lucy” in the by the Beetles


            -Look in Badlands type areas because they don’t have to dig so much


            -The skulls change to more rounded because we have bigger brains


            -Knee joinx was fantsihiy johnsen town- can’t read their note was gone for XC during movie


            -Louis and Mary Leakey- Found footprints and a skull which named Xinjantheopus dug in Olduvai



            -They found an almaar like Lucy and butndx bigger


Section 4-


            Stone easily breaks and cant be molded


                        Ore- rock containing metal and impurities


            People learned to make metal tools and weapons


                        End of New Stone Age, people in Middle East made bronze


                        At first hammered copper, then learned to melt/cast

                                    Person may have seen shiny rock; people are attracted to shiny things, and it burned him                                                because it was by fire. Then later, noticed his thumbprint in it after it cooled- people can                                                 reason


                        Then took copper/ tin to make bronze (shape in a clay mold)


            Bronze- Sharper edge, stronger, easier to shape


                        Was chief metal for 2000 years (Bronze Age)


                                    Stronger than copper alone


                                                Copper is green in natural state


                                    Bronze Age began in Middle East around 3500 BC, in China around 1800 BC, and in                                       Americas around AD 1100


                                                Metals are found in rocks- melt copper out of rock, then skim top


            Progress was made in farming, transportation and commerce


                        First plow- pastureland/ grassland into cropland


                                    A hoe pulled through soil with a rope


                                                Later animals were harnessed to it


                                                            Led to the plow


                                                                        Enabled larger fields to be farmed


                                    Yoke- wooden collar for oxen to pull attached to harness


                                                Collar- hooks to harness


                        Irrigation and dams were built


                                    Sleds moved heavy loads


                                                Later animals pulled sleds


                                                Logs/ poles under sled


                                                The Wheel


                                                The Cart was invented

                        Sailboat- sails made of linen


                                    First major sea routes


                        Potters wheel- a small flat wheel that’s set on a vertical axle. Clay is thrown on the spinning                                wheel as potter forms it


                                    More uniform shape


                                    Faster than without potter wheel


                        All these led to specialized labor


                                    Hunters, gatherers, farmers, herders, potters, metalworkers, sailors, trades-people


            Middle Eastern People pioneered Bronze Age Advances


                        Map Test: Fertile Crescent- A curved strip of land that extends between Persian Gulf and                                                                                           Mediterranean Sea


                        Learned to shape and make metal tools (called metallurgy)


                        How to make wheel/ plow/ harness oxen


                        Designed sailboats


                                    First Civilization began here


Movie Notes- Dr. Leaky and the Dawn of Man


            Early Hominids hard to find because vultures scattered unburied bodies


            Traces of man becomes lesser at earlier history


                        Writing at 8000 BC


            Leaky was born in 1903 in Kenya, had 3 siblings


            People originally thought man began in Asia


            Leaky was first to believe Africa was beginning


                        Few believed him


            SKIP- Pictures


            Leaky found hominid skull in Africa


                        Clay used to form face around skull